Easter was a lot more fun this year compared to last, because we have a kid who is old enough to enjoy it. Sophee got a mini 4-wheeler(which she loves) and Kamber got a ball(which Sophee loves too). We figured we would get them some outside toys, and by THEM I mean Sophee, since Kamber is obviously too little.
Our neighbors/friends invited us over to decorate sugar easter eggs this year (I had never heard of them). It turned out to be really fun! Neals is the tie-dye colored one and mine is the one the says happy easter on it. Thanks again Huntsmans for inviting us and sorry Chad for breaking yours.
Every year there is an easter egg hunt at the park here in Cedar City. Last year Sophee didn't do much but this year she got to go out and get some eggs. The weather really stunk this year though (hence the big coats and gloves).
She has the attitude of a 14 year old but is only 4! Our first girly is just that, a pretty princess that loves to dance.
Kamber Anne
This little cutie is almost 3 and cracks us up all the time. She just might have a future as a comedian or maybe a basketball player. We love our baby girl.